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mega vet 1

Gamification is the process of using game mechanics and game thinking in non-gaming contexts to engage users and to solve problems and increase users' self contributions. Gamification allows learners to have fun while attaining information, and encourages them to share that information with their peers.

Mega VET (Move to Enhance Gamified Applications in VET), is an international project which is funded by European Union within the framework of Erasmus+.

At the end of the long period , almost 2 years, the amazing consortium with 5 different institutions at international level were able to develop the following outputs as a result of unprecendented effort;

1. Mega VET BOOK: offers you a wide range of knowledge about the Gamification which is getting popular and gaininig importance since 2011 when it was introduced to those who are interested in gamified contents and keep themselves away from the traditional methods commonly used during the education period. Furthermore, that book is a reference for all techno lovers who wish to get more information concerning game dynamics and mechanics. More importantly, that resource is available in five different languages ; Turkish, Slovenian, Greek, Italian and Spanish version. The fact that we developed that book in these languages specified above has resulted from the lack of these kinds of printed materials in education sector and also the need of having it as a coursebook at the schools. Mega VET BOOK with ISBN code is always a step forward contrary to the other books as it may be used as a course material, reference for all possible users who love games, an amazing guide for teachers, and educators.

2. Mega VET IST is available on the web page, www.mega-vet.eu for those who wish to see more addressing the courses related the gamification to provided by the partners within the consortium. Having provided a huge effort on it, the Slovenian team has the capacity to hold these kind of courses in their institutions so soon. Being an in-service training, Mega VET IST offers you a planned and updated route map by taking into the interests and needs of the related parties. To find more, please see the video created by Gregor Mende and his team.

3. Mega-VET web-based online game; is an interesting and functional platform including 4 different units in the field of electronics, Amplifier, Rectifiers, Mechatronics, The three and
four phase sytems. This game available on the web page is connected to the Android platform which aims to test the students’ progress and achievements under the control of
their parents. The main structure of the platform having been designed by the Slovenian team, was enriched and enlargement with the contributions of Turkish, Greek, İtalyan and Slovenian team.

4. Mega VET Android; is a platform that Parental monitoring is available to learn how much their children spent time in playing the game and how well they provided performance while doing the extras, clues and exercises.