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Transnational meeting of partners and short training Slovenia

From the 18th-20th of January, Šolski center Novo mesto was the host of the short training of students. Students from Portugal, Spain and Poland attended  together with the Slovenian students interesting activities during these 3 days.

Tuesday 18. january:

8:30 - Welcome partners

9:00 - ŠCNM tour, SciDrom makerspace, Multimedia club

10:00 - Workshop - Intro to Smart Home problem

10:30 - Break for lunch

11:00 - Workshop - Intro to ESP32

End at 13:00

Wednesday 19. january:

09:00 - Workshop – Sensors for Smart Home: DHT11, RFID, PIR, fingerprint

11:30 - Break for lunch

12:00 - Workshop - Intro Mosquitto server/broker, NodeRED

End at 13:30

Thursday 20. january:

09:00 - Workshop - Telegram, home voice control

11:00 - Break for lunch

11:30 - Workshop - Telegram, home voice control

13:00 - Evaluation

13:30 - Certificate ceremony

Some pictures of this event:

ai8   ai7   ai6   ai5 

ai4   ai3   ai2   ai1

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