Mobilnost dijakov v Turčijo - Erasmus+ ROBE
Od 3. do 9. aprila so se dijaki iz SEŠTG in Srednje strojne šole udeležili prve mobilnosti v okviru projekta Erasmus+ KA229 - R.O.B.E. Skupaj z dijaki iz Italije, Bolgarije in Turčije so spoznali nove računalniške programe, ter programe na področju elektrotehnike, robotike in mehatronike.Program turškega partnerja “Mehmet Kemal Coşkunöz Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi” v Bursi v času 5-dnevne mobilnosti:
4th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Opening Ceremony
09:15 Presention of each school’sproject teams and schools
10:15 Ice Breaking Game
10:35 Visiting the other departments in our school
11:00 Cofee Break Time
11:30 What is the Steam
12:00 Lunch at local restaurant
13:30 What is the ECG Signal ? How is the ECG signal measure in the Human Body?
14:30 Visit to Podium Park
5th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Welcome Partners
09:15 Getting to Know Ardunio Nano, Ad8232 Sensor. How does the ECG Sensor work?
10:20 Soldering, circuit assembly
13:15 Coşkunöz Education Foundation visit
14:30 Coşkunöz Factory visit
6th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Welcome Partners
09:15 Arduino program and coding. Getting to know Ble4.0 technology and HM10 Sensor
10:20 Writing a program that sends data via bluetooth
14:00 Visiting Bursa historical places Tophane,Ulucami-kapalı çarşı,kozahan(kahve molası),büyük şehir belediye binası-yeşil
7th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Welcome Partners
09:15 Getting to know Android System Writting code in The Android Studio
10:20 Bulding Apk,E-heart rate’s apk load Android mobile Phone and connect ardunio circuit with bluetooth
13:30 İznik Or Gölyazı Trip
16:00 Return to school
8th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
10:00 Welcome Partners
10:15 School Principal's speech
10:30 Presentation of participant documents
11:20 Holding an evaluation meeting with all participating countries
12:00 End Day5