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Mobilnost dijakov v Turčijo - Erasmus+ ROBE

Od 3. do 9. aprila so se dijaki iz SEŠTG in Srednje strojne šole udeležili prve mobilnosti v okviru projekta Erasmus+ KA229 - R.O.B.E.  Skupaj z dijaki iz Italije, Bolgarije in Turčije so spoznali nove računalniške programe, ter programe na področju elektrotehnike, robotike in mehatronike.

Program turškega partnerja “Mehmet Kemal Coşkunöz Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi” v Bursi v času 5-dnevne mobilnosti:

4th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Opening Ceremony
09:15 Presention of each school’sproject teams and schools
10:15 Ice Breaking Game
10:35 Visiting the other departments in our school
11:00 Cofee Break Time
11:30 What is the Steam
12:00 Lunch at local restaurant
13:30 What is the ECG Signal ? How is the ECG signal measure in the Human Body?
14:30 Visit to Podium Park

5th APRIL 2022

Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Welcome Partners
09:15 Getting to Know Ardunio Nano, Ad8232 Sensor. How does the ECG Sensor work?
10:20 Soldering, circuit assembly
13:15 Coşkunöz Education Foundation visit
14:30 Coşkunöz Factory visit
6th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Welcome Partners
09:15 Arduino program and coding. Getting to know Ble4.0 technology and HM10 Sensor
10:20 Writing a program that sends data via bluetooth
14:00 Visiting Bursa historical places Tophane,Ulucami-kapalı çarşı,kozahan(kahve molası),büyük şehir belediye binası-yeşil
7th APRIL 2022

Hour Activities Notes
09:00 Welcome Partners
09:15 Getting to know Android System Writting code in The Android Studio
10:20 Bulding Apk,E-heart rate’s apk load Android mobile Phone and connect ardunio circuit with bluetooth
13:30 İznik Or Gölyazı Trip
16:00 Return to school
8th APRIL 2022
Hour Activities Notes
10:00 Welcome Partners
10:15 School Principal's speech
10:30 Presentation of participant documents
11:20 Holding an evaluation meeting with all participating countries
12:00 End Day5

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WhatsApp Image 2022 04 04 at 17 47 34   WhatsApp Image 2022 04 05 at 15 46 30 (1)   WhatsApp Image 2022 04 05 at 15 46 29 (1)   WhatsApp Image 2022 04 05 at 15 46 29 (1)

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