Presentation of the project
Presentation of the project CoBle - Individualized Learning in Collaborative and Blended Learning Environments
• Improving teachers’ pedagogical competence to operate online with their students.
• Supplying the teachers with relevant agile and cooperative methods of work and digital tools.
• Creating online communities of teachers where they can jointly develop, learn from each other and exchange experiences.
• Empowering the students by providing them individualized learning and improved collaborative learning processes online.
• During the project participants will obtain recognition of their competences related to the modules Coble provides. The recognition is based on Open Badge concept.
CoBle partners
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, Finland
Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje, Slovenia
Šolski center Novo mesto, Slovenia
Berufliche Schule Itech, Germany
Raseko, Finland
Ifoa Sapere Utile, Italy
More information about the project
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