STEMmed. FR.O.M. Robotics – STEM iMprovED in the FRame Of Mobility and Robotics” is a project promoted by the partner Schools, East London Science School in the United Kingdom; Siauliu "Sauletekio" gimnazija in Lithuania; “Šolski Center Novo Mesto” in Slovenia; “Bucak Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi” in Turkey, which strategically came together to promote the adaptation of their educational plans to the
technological revolution detected at European and global level.
Specific objectives of "STEMmed. FR.O.M. Robotics" are:
- enhancing students' digital skills through international exchange activities that will make them main characters of the learning process;
- creating a digital learning environment to respond to the needs of an ever changing teaching quality, that goes hand in hand with the spreading of new technologies in everyday life;
- enhancing cultural awareness and Language Learning;
- establishing a “Knowledge Alliance” at local and European level that can support schools in addressing the challenges of modern education to foster the development and enhancement of digital skills.
"STEMmed. FR.O.M. Robotics" will last 24 months and will involve no. 60 students (aged 14 - 18) in 4 international exchanges to be held in the partner Countries: Turkey, Slovenia, Lithuania and United Kingdom.
Each exchange, mixed with virtual moments on eTwinning, will have a total duration of 7 days, including 2 days for travel arrangements from and to the hosting country.
The topics at the centre of each LTTA are:
- C1: technological knowledge at national level and analysis of the status of digitalization of the European schools involved;
- C2: the challenges of technology and the risks of the internet for the younger generations;
- C3: educational robotics and pupils to encourage team work;
- C4: adapting school education to the European Digital Agenda.
The Strategic Partnership estimates that the project will produce the following long-term impact:
- 60% of participating pupils will improve their school results in STEM disciplines;
- 100% of learners will be more aware of the new job profiles emerging from the ICT sector and modern trends coming from the labor market;
- 50% of participating students will be engaged in extra-curricular activities started off from “STEMmed. FR.O.M. Robotics”;
- 60% of British students will decide to add the study of a foreign language in their school curriculum;
- 60% of by the Turkish, Slovenian and Lithuanian will improve their English results.
Teachers participating in the project, in the long run, will become:
- better able to contribute to the improvement of their school Educational Plan, after the acquisition of new teaching methodologies aimed at creating innovative and open educational environments;
- more active in the proposal and organization of extracurricular activities addressing other types of training and social needs;
- more familiar with the use of the tools made available by the Erasmus+ Programme to facilitate project management and dissemination, which will help them sustain their active participation in the Programme.
Teacher’s continuing professional development will lead to school sustainable improvement and internationalization. With more competent teachers, the partner Schools will feed the competitiveness of this and other future strategic partnerships as well as new initiatives and support actions undertaken to foster learning in non formal and informal contexts. In addition, contacts with external stakeholders, professionals, experts, policy makers, will be consolidated throughout the project duration, enriching each one’s network at local and European level